
(Underlined parts indicate parts hard to make out and that could be wrong)
(Original broadcast from video titled "ABC News — 1989 San Francisco Earthquake")
I'm Ted Koppel, there has been a rather strong earthquake in northern California.
So strong in fact that it has among other things knocked out all the power or much of the power at Candlestick Park where the third game of the World Series was being played but in the overall scheme of things that may be the very least of things that has happened today.
You can see some video there, I gather that's live video of Candlestick Park...
Uh, we, we are feeling a shock right now and that shaking in your picture is being amplified by the tremor that has just gone through the top of the stadium and we are live.
They're taking the bases off uhh 8:41 eastern 5 1 41 and we just felt it out here, we're at ground level.
{LIVE 8:41 EST}
This is a live shot from our affiliate, our owned and operated station in San Francisco KGO and you can see that there are at least 2 major fires that seem to be in progress there.
[Weird sounds start]
Let me just explain to you that uh what we're doing here is... We are listening in on the broadcast of our affiliate in San Francisco KGO because a great deal of the information that is coming is more readily accessible to them than it is to us.
Uh and they have reporters reporting live from around the entire bay area region.
.. whatever they can to stop the fire but part of the problem obviously is uh... is gas.
Shut off the gas. Shut off electricity, store water. Prepare for aftershocks. Prepare for three days of no services.
You got 90 minutes of light left. You better make use of your time. Standing here ain't doing nothing.
I have Leslie Brinkley standing by live right now. Leslie, go ahead.
It's looking bad over here in Oakland. The electricity is out in much of the city and we have a bad freeway collapse.
It's that ramp of the Nimitz freeway that goes from the Cypress street on up to Bay bridge.
About a six or seven block stretch of it collapsed during the earthquake.
They are pulling bodies out from underneath this lower ramp.
There were just some injuries on the upper ramp but those on the lower ramp there are a lot of fatalities.
The epicenter of this earthquake is about 100 miles to the south in the Santa Cruz mountains along the San Andreas fault.
We have had very difficult time getting any information out of that area tonight.
Now our own Tony Russomanno is live in Santa Cruz now to give us uhh some notion of what's happened this is our first report from there. Tony?
Pete this town of 40000 is about 10 miles from the epicenter of the earthquake. You would expect the damage to be severe here and it is.
The downtown section of Santa Cruz is basically gone. All the old uh brick unreinforced buildings have collapsed.
This is a department store called "Ford's". It collapsed the second store the second story came down into the first floor trapping several people inside.
At least three people are known to have died here on the mall, perhaps 12 to 14 total in Santa Cruz. Authorities do not have a final fatality figure.
Many many other people are injured. Power has been out for several hours. The local power company says we should expect power...

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Credits for writing transcriptions:

- Maticzpl
- manitalkies
- Serrara Mayfield#8970
- watlwatl
- litlnemo
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