
(Underlined parts indicate parts hard to make out and that could be wrong)
[Video of a public park]
[Video of a spider]
[Video from a window of a car]
[Video of a radio]
We just trying ??? in the Oklahoma City bombing
[Video cuts]
On our left, you can see the ferris wheel.
Over on the right, is the food.
Straight ahead of here the agricultural barn.
[Video of a band playing]
[Video where people can be heard clapping]
Look at it
[Video of a woman]
[Video cuts]
[Video showing the flag of the USA]
Move over there.
Why don't you come over right now?
[Video cuts to fast forwarded clip]
Back to the hotel that night and was listening to the footage.
I realized that I recorded a Monsanto exec
joking with a DPR manager about a sick kid referring to it as "The Bug-eyed one".
And, sure I like making fun of diseased kids as much as the next guy but
right after that, one of them basically admitted to fault, which mind you
they aren't doing publicly at all.
They said something along the lines of
"Well, hey, if we accidentally push out the entire county, you might just get that ranch you always wanted."
[Video fast forwards]
Fucking A, man...
[Video fast forwards]
[Mourning dove hoots]
[Video fast forwards]
???, sorry, think I'm gonna have to call
This is uh Ravi, a tenant in (the) upstairs at Fairmont
[Some bang is heard]
Yeah, yeah that's me.
I was just... calling to ask that -- to see if there's anybody supposed to be checking out the downstairs today?
[Another bang]
Okay so... no like maintenance or anything?
[Video cuts to Ravi walking downstairs]
[Slight shuffling can be heard]
Someone there?
Ohh... Fuck me.
[Mourning dove hoots]
Ah shit.
[More noises are heard]
Someone here?
[Ominous rumbles]
Someone there?
[Weird sounds]
What the hell...
[Light flickers]
What the...
[Camera moves and glitches]
[Heavy breathing]
[Video cuts]
What the fuck...
[Video cuts]
For the record, I did not know this was here.
[Video cuts]
This one
Nothing else
I don't understand, how is this even here?
What the fuck?
Fucking hell...
The fuck?
You're kidding me?
Are you serious
[Light turns on, cameraman turns around]
Ohhh fuck...
What the fuck is...
This is so weird
[Video cuts]
??? ??? ???
[Clock shows around 7:16]
What? Huh.
The fuck kinda place is this? Who is this even meant for?
This isn't a... I don't see where this could be above ground.
Is that...
[Video cuts]
What... is there? Fuck...
Huh? The... the ???
[Video cuts]
There's a furniture store now?
Oh f... Finally
Ohhh... Fun, I don't fucking like this
This better be an exit.
Ohhh... f...
Oh smells like fucking... it smells like shit in here
Oh, oh my God
Oh, ah!
I'm trying to leave! I don't want any trouble!
[Crash sound]
[Video cuts]
What the fuck... What the fuck?
[Video cuts]
This place...
Done with it.
[Light turns on] Oh...
[Some crash and moan]
[Light turns off]
[Video cuts]
[Light turns back on]
[Video cuts]
[Video cuts]
[Video cuts]
[Statue of Buddha]
[Video cuts]
[Speakers playing]
Where is this
[Chinese poster (link below)]
[Video cuts]
[Video cuts]
Ohh... The fuck... Desk
The fuck?
Okay? Okay!
Right. Let's see...
This thing
Come on. Come on.
[Video cuts]
-o check. Radio check. Does anyone copy?
Radio check. Radio check. Do you co-
[Video cuts]
Testing. 1 2 3. Hello hello.
Testing. 1 2 3. Hello hello?
Does anybody copy?
[Video cuts]
[Unknown transmission]
Yes. Yes! Yes...
[Phone keypad sounds]
Operator 013 ??? you ??? again? I went to ???
Sorry. ??? 22 1 50 objecting
??? need a rotation for that?
[Do You Like Air Conditioning starts playing over the speakers]
Oh fuck...
Shit fuck, shit fuck
[Video pauses]
[Video resumes]
[Video cuts]
[Clock shows around 7:16]
[Video cuts to black, then to a closeup of a bug]
[Video cuts]
[Mao Zedong portrait]
[Video cuts]
[Video cuts]
[Video cuts]
Holy shit...
Ohh fuck me...
[Video cuts]
[Video cuts]
[Video cuts]
[Confused sigh]
[Faint brushing sound]
[Video cuts]
[A TV playing, the following transcriptions are unlikely to be accurate]
...on the location...
[Inaudible (many different things can be heard depending on what you focus on)]
Do your thing ???
...will you take ??? G
Alright. ??? 041 at three ninety nine, one dash ???
Give me your ???. Whyyyy?
I'll ??? your ???
Oh fuck...
[Loud sound]
[A man probably talking over phone]
Excuse me, none of your business.
Umm... ??? There've been the ??? from ???. I mean...
But-- but, I...
One way or another, just... sooner is better than later for sure
Because we are... We're cleaning things up
This whole place is empty right now... but we've got a few people looking at it
And ???
Well you know, it would be helpful if he could come by on.. on Wednesday
and have a look at the place
You gotta get out here sooner or later
What the hell...
Not in our hands ???
Hold on. Sorry. I think someone's outside.
[Sound of walking down stairs]
Someone out there?
I'm sorry. I don't know where I am. I need help.
You're on private property, you need to leave.
I... I... I'm trying, okay?
I don't wanna be here
Are you the guy that keeps coming around here tryna talk to my boys?
What? No. My name is Ravi, sir. I'm not trying to cause you any trouble. I'm just lost.
My family is trying to sleep. Leave, or I'm calling the police.
If you really need help, the station is a quarter mile down the road.
Listen! I can't! I've been walking for like 9 fucking hours man.
Where the hell are we? I can't even see you.
Actually, do call the cops, that's fine, just please help me out here.
Where are you?...
Wh... What?
Where the hell are you? I just looked outside and I don't see you.
I'm not... I'm in like... a living room with a... fish on the wall.
What is this... what is this? Wha-- is this some kind of game you're doing? Are you having a laugh over this?
I'm not! I'm not!
It's just... It sounds like you're on the other side of this wall but this door goes to nowhere.
[Walking sounds] [Door opening sound]
[TV commercial "Renaissance Fair" playing]
I was getting depressed, cause of all the stress I was feeling at home.
Had a poor credit score and the number would haunt me wherever I go.
Are you? Are you in my walls?
What? I don't know where I am!
I've been trapped in this... goddamn hell building for hours, and you're the first actual person I've found.
So can you please just... I don't know, cut a hole in the
[Video cuts]
I don't understand. How... how is this possible.
I... I can hear you, but...
I don't know man. I don't know.
I just need to go home.
Why can't you leave?
I've just told you, there is no fucking exits or anything.
This place keeps going on forever.
Can you... just show me where the exit is and I'll be out of here.
??? Okay. Alright. Alright, listen I'm... we're having...
...some of the wainscoting here redone.
I can open up the wall here. It's still loose.
But... I need you to move slowly. Alright?
Thank you!
Come out with your hands first. I want to see your face. With hands around your neck.
Thank you.
I think it's...
What the fuck?
What the fuck? What ???.
Oh my god. Oh my god! What the fuck!
He... Hello? Hey, what happened?
No... ??? No! Oh God please!
[Video cuts]
It's been a while. It's been a little while.
I'm thinking I'm... running out of time to talk to my lawyer about my... my...
I keep thinking... about this... moments
When I was like... seven.
It was that, it was at that park back home one, the windmill thing with the face.
Used to scare me.
Summer... The sky was... I don't remember the sky.
It was hot out.
Gary and Linda were there. You were there.
I think... I think... I think you had just got that... orange
Bike that got stolen. One of your friends were there.
I can see your faces so clearly.
I just want to go home.
I just wanna go home.
Sorry for all the... stuff that I said- didn't said.
I was gonna fix...

Time 0 | 0 Accurate Time


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Indicate parts of the transcription that you are not sure about using __underline__
Put text that appears on screen in curly brackets {text on screen}
Use square brackets for additional description like [Video glitches]

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Credits for writing transcriptions:

- losty
- Samrtass
- Maticzpl
- 4815
- Khan01
- serrara_m
- boat
- arti
- singularscissor
- litlnemo
- gp4645
- chieff
- Cam
- RavenXRave
- manitalkies
- IvanBeck07/16/1931
- Marcel
- Poodle Malone
- Nicholas Kane
If your edit was before 13.08.2022 email to get added here.

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Poster at 23:21