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Take the train between... market and non-market economies.
Well as I've said that our negotiations in this area with the Soviets are just beginning.
Commerce secretary Peterson returned yesterday.
In two weeks mostly in- in the Moscow but also Warsaw
During which time very considerable progress was made.
We're narrowing our differences which has ke- which has kept us from settling our Lend-Lease debt for 25 years.
And the good faith which the Soviets would demonstrate by settling the debt...
...would set the stage for presidential order, permitting
ex-im bank credits, to the- for the sales for the Soviets.
And it would also open the way presidential request of the congress that won't bastardize our whole life whole

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Credits for writing transcriptions:

- para#1111
- Immensity
- Comedy_Gold
- Maticzpl
- Denor
- Samrtass
- Brandon
If your edit was before 13.08.2022 email backrooms@maticzpl.xyz to get added here.