
(Underlined parts indicate parts hard to make out and that could be wrong)
[Telephone / radio sounds]
Hi there, I'm calling from the ASYNC Research Institute in San Jose, California.
I'm trying to get a hold of my supervisor who I believe is currently staying at your venue.
Ivan Beck.
Yes, that would be great. Thank you.
Hey. It's me. Do you have a second?

[Vertically mirrored newspaper photo fades in]
[Left top]
{...gan unfolding in}
{...when an ammunition-laden C-}
{123 that was part of North's operation was}
{shot down inside Nicaragua. North later}
{testified under a grant of immunity that he}
{began shredding documents after the cargo}
{plane was shot down.}
{ The next month there were news reports}
{from Beirut of U.S. arms sales to Iran.}
{[Below right top image]}
{John Poindexter}
{istrator Bob Bullard plans to}
{...e at the end of the fiscal year.}
{wn said his commiittee has}
{...ved about 80 applications}
{... several states. He said the}
{ittee plans to have a new ad-}
{...rator "on board" before Ju-}

{...eil chairman Billy Melton}
{...d that the deed to the Bert}
{...roperty in front of the ?d-}
{...????? building is now in}
{...ty's name. One building}
{ is vacant and}
{... for storage.}
{...n on using}
{do after be-}

Fair point.
So I've got a bit a problem going on over here.
About 45 minutes ago I was called back down to KV31 because apparently while the department of energy was reviewing our contract an employee managed to set off the complex's motion sensors.
Actually they went perfectly
We've got all the initial signatures and the contract should be executed by next week.
Gla-, I'm glad to hear it. Uh, back to the problem though.
So I get called down to figure out why we have a fully suited employee in the complex after hours on an off day.
Well. I have no idea who this is. He is definitely not on the project.
Hmm... Well I've tried to talk to him but he's completely disoriented. Doesn't seem to know where he is or who I am.
He said his name was Peter Tench.
Uh, probably over the cameras. I'm the last one here. Everyone else has headed home.
No. No it's just me.
Wait. Hold on, hold on, hold on.
This isn't... him.. is it?
[Video fades to a photo]

Time 0 | 0 Accurate Time


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Credits for writing transcriptions:

- Maticzpl
- GiveMeBacterialore
- EarlCdwards
- ZacharyT6
- 3knoah
- Immensity
- litlnemo
If your edit was before 13.08.2022 email to get added here.