
[A slightly slowed version of "A Passage" (0:00 - 0:44) begins playing.]
[Mug with a logo for Moss Landing Marine Laboratories ]
{May 25, 1990}
[Auditory guidepost within the Complex]
[Indiscernible radio chatter]
I think we should have enough room to unpack over there.
Okay, sounds good.
Uh, can you loosen that strap- [Video cuts]
Take three, at the very least. That's what you said...for that subway I think...
Yeah, but not great...
You sure the forklifts aren't here yet?
Um, but we have...area.
Watch your hand.
But, I-I don't have any more information...[unintelligible]
Yeah, we're disassembling now.
[Video cuts]
And then you're gonna want to stop up here, and adjust the view to the right.
Carry on forward, and head into that gap over on the left.
Is that really what it said? I don't think he has a full understanding of the situation.
I doubt he knows either, you think that matters?
And here we are.
Wall. Watch the wall.
Dang...surprised with how well this is holding up.
Signal seems to be outstanding
So don't get too close. Stop, stop!
Standard, this is Clyde. We've reached room 14D, and now just about to initiate the Auditory Stimulus Test[radio static obscures further speech].
[Video cuts]
Masks still good?
The last one came back good, but I recommend you keep that mask on just to be safe.
Well, we gotta start updating our protection system. I feel like I'm always missing things in this mask.
Oh, they haven’t driven it back.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I figured they're just conserving power. We're gonna take it back to the cart when they get here.
A Team, this is Mark. Do you copy?
Copy, we read you loud and clear.
We've just reached 14D. Uh, there are no visible signs of Marvin's Friend.
That is absolutely not the name we're going with.
Well, then you better start working on a new one.
[Music fades in, video cuts]
Just a measurement. That'll be it.
Hand me that.
And these ones are all fairly even, right? We'll just have to go on that wa-[Video cuts]
Just focus on going down the center row, and around those two points of interest. I believe the carpet sheets will suffice for today.
Well, that was good to hear. Uh, are you ready to start sending people down? Uh, I know we don't have that many hours left before we need to start, uh, revamping the, uh, [unintelligible].
[Video cuts]
Double check again on 1, 2...5...7...uh, 3 as well.
Hey, can we get a hand over here?
[Video cuts. "The Complex" (5:13 - ~5:24) starts playing.] {While Team A assembles a walkway across Room 14D(T), Mark Blume, Randall Tachi, and Marvin Leigh (camera) conduct an initial layout analysis of Room 14C(T).}
[Video cuts]
Is this the same one they had you practice with?
Pretty similar, but they were just renting that one.
Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, though. Not like I know the difference.
Wouldn't wanna be on the other end of that.
You wouldn't wanna be on the other end of any gun, Marvin.
Yeah. That's... Probably true.
Alright, get your lights on.
Marv. Light.
Oh, yeah. Sorry.
Standard, this is Mark. We're now beginning our progression into Room 14C.
Alright, so we're gonna wanna stay mostly down the middle, but... Maybe go around 1 or 2 just to make sure we're not missing anything.
Yeah. can't see a damn thing in this mask.
I dunno.
Okay, yeah: floor's different. Looks like...concrete, or, what is it called, um...the stuff they uh, layer over concrete to make it shiny.
Yeah, yeah, epoxy. Epoxy.
Uh, looks like we got standard white drywall-[video cuts] vinyl trim, or wall base.
Ceiling looks relatively the same, just...tighter smaller tiles.
Looks like there's another space between the floor types. Huh.
Oh yeah. Think we can put a tape measure down there, I guess.
Hm. We've got displaced tiles?
See anything?
No, not really.
Oh, there's a little, uh... Hole in the back.
Oh yeah. Hm.
Is there a wall back there? A wall, or...? Can't tell what that is.
No, it just looks like a wall.
Watch the gun!
Is this just the natural state, or... Did something move these? I'm not sure which one I'd prefer, but right now I'm kind of leaning towards the former.
I believe we've only seen displaced tiles, uh... Four? I think it's four times before.
I'm not a fan of this area...
Uh. Guys, I found- I found something.
You gotta look at this.
What, is it right over there?
Yeah. It's some sort of-
No, you're right. This... This looks handmade.
You can't determine that just by looking at it.
Well, I'm just assuming right now.
Either way, you're right. It does look like some kind of map.
You know, it almost- It almost looks like...
Think this is over around here, 14C.
Yeah. Yeah, it's uh...
Team A, come in. This is Mark.
That's the area we came through. That's... 14C. And there's 14D. There's B, A....
Team A, this is Mark. Do you copy?
Standard, do you copy? Repeat, this is Mark. Do you copy?
Yeah, no. The signal's dead, we've gone too far. We gotta go back.
What? You sure? We're not that far.
Well, that's all the more reason to get-
Well, if we do get back and they say it's just a non-issue, we can just come back around, you know? I don't see what-
AHH! EHH! Ah…Fuck…
Oh my god!
He’s got my gun! He’s got my gun, I repeat! He’s got my gun!
Don't move! None of you move!
OKAY! Okay!
I don’t wanna hurt any of you. But I will... If I have to. So please, please, just don't move.
Just answer my questions, and I’ll be gone.
How many people are out here right now? Down the hall. How many people are out here?
I don’t- I don’t know-
Oh shit...
Yes! Yes, it’s me! Is it- Is it really you?
Yeah, it's me... It's me.
How!? It’s been months! We thought you…
I know. I know, that- That’s what- That's what they did! They... They took my life from me, Marv! Everyone thinks I’m fucking DEAD!
My own... My wife and children think I’m DEAD!
Could you... Please put down the gun?
Marvin, just... Just tell me. Did they hold a funeral...?
Mark, this is Team A. Do you read us?
Yes, A Team, this is Mark, I read you.
Mark, don't!
What are you doing?
We need immediate armed support in Room 14-C. B team and I are being held at gunpoint by a hostile.
I repeat, please send immediate armed support to Room 14-C
Don’t shoot him!
Stop, please don't! Don't! DON'T!-
I'm sorry!
[Peter then shoots Mark in the side. The video glitches out.]
[The sound of the shot reverberates]
[Mark groaning]
Marvin, I'm alive! Tell my wife and kids, they need to know that I'm alive! They NEED to know!
Oh my god!
["A Passage" (2:59 onward) begins fading in.]
Hang on...
Mark! Mark! Can you hear me? Can you hear me?! (unintelligible) _14C!_
[Video fades to white, before fading to black.]
We need- We need medical assistance immediately!
It's okay. It's gonna be okay, Mark. It's gonna be okay.
[Music starts to get more louder]
[Mark gagging on blood]
[The video ends while the music fades out]

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Credits for writing transcriptions:

- Serrara Mayfield#8970
- Maticzpl
- Treadmill
- Skylar
- wormywormson
- Taff
- CP
- MarioGuy
- Domachino
- Sabre#9857
- Gav
- Immensity
- Creator: Kane Pixles
- myiggywanna
- Drew_115
- casenoova
- Winter
- Arclight
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